Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid | USA | 1943 | Short, 14 min September 24, 2012 Maya's notes on Meshes: "This film ...

Meshes of the Afternoon

Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid | USA | 1943 | Short, 14 min

September 24, 2012

Maya's notes on Meshes:

"This film is concerned with the interior experiences of an individual. It does not record an event which could be witnessed by the other persons. Rather, it reproduces the way in which the sub-conscious of an individual will develop, interpret and elaborated an apparently simple and casual incident into a critical emotional experience..."

"It is culminated by a double-ending in which it would seem that the imagined achieved, for her, such force that it became reality."

"The mind begins with the matter at hand - the incidental curve of a road or the accidental movement of a passing figure. As it perceives these it possesses them as images, as the stuff of which it composes its night and day dreams in the forms of its desires and despairs."